• Our vision
        • We shall uphold our status as the best school in Mongolia and become a globally recognized institution by continuing to bring innovation into the Mongolian education system.
          • Letter from the Principal

          • It has been 30 years since Hobby School was founded. Since the first time we opened our doors, we have consistently worked towards educating students to be empathetic, highly knowledgeable, and flexible in any society with a refined appreciation for the arts. 

            To live a happy, successful, fortunate life depends on emotional and adaptive skills, the ability to conquer any challenge, empathy to aid others, open communication, knowledge and regard towards the accomplishments of our ancestors, and mastery of the native language that we’ve learned as children. This is why Hobby has always valued giving our students the core education that encompasses all of this. 

            School does not only involve classes. When children come to school, they should be happy, jolly. We have created an environment where children can discover themselves, and help them reach their full potential. We have accordingly pursued our hiring strategies with the same philosophy that only a happy and fulfilled teacher can teach children best, and give their all to their students. 

            Looking back on the last 30 years of our journey, we believe our efforts were not in vain. Our graduates are successful, not only in Mongolia, but all over the world, and they have become empathetic, model citizens. Perhaps this is the result of basing all of our decisions on the benefit of our students. Our work will continue to be centered around students, children, and humanity. May the fruits of knowledge bloom. 


          • Our Goals

          • To raise students who are model citizens in every way: compassionate, patriotic, connoisseurs of art, educated to the highest global esteem with a host of real skills. Our education forms students who are aspirants and dreamers, but also adaptable inquisitors. Hobby offers our world class education at the most affordable price to empower the middle class and thereby contribute to Mongolia’s development.

      • Our Values

            • Integrity

              We have high moral and ethical standards. We do not compromise them. We believe integrity will change the society for good.

            • Excellence

              We are committed to giving our best to everything we do, improving constantly and finding optimal solutions.

            • Equality

              We believe every human being is equal to each other: race, sex, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, sexual orientation and gender identity, health status, do not matter. We are all Human Beings, and we respect each other.

            • Patriotism

              We are proud citizens of Mongolia. We learn our culture and history. We know where we are the future of this country and we prepare ourselves to serve this country with excellence

            • Safety

              Everybody (students, teachers, staff, guest etc) should feel safe and secure mentally, physically and emotionally in school.

          • Principles of Quality

          • We believe in three key principles that will provide the best services possible: BEST EDUCATION, BEST OPERATIONS,  BEST PEOPLE.

          • Best Education

          • We prioritize the education of every single student by understanding what makes a child unique, and help them embrace their differences. Those who are gifted shall be recognized, and we’ll support them. We’ll give them an opportunity to thrive to their fullest through competing in competitions around the globe. Regardless of talent, we want every student to become a creative mind, team player and critical thinker who can solve problems and communicate effectively.

          • Stellar Operations

          • No task is too large for our undertaking, and no task is too small to warrant neglect. For everything we do, we shall offer our fullest capacity for a coordinated and concerted effort to achieve the best results possible.

          • Best People

          • At Hobby, we strive to be the best versions of ourselves. Not just as individuals, but also as a team by constantly improving our theoretical knowledge base, professional and interpersonal skills. Everyone is expected to create three-year personal growth plans, and follow through with them. We believe in a good attitude, positive outlook, and our values to help develop us.

      • Our History

        The First, The Best for 30 years.

          • 1.9.1994
            • Dr. Oyuntsetseg opens Hobby School’s doors.

          • 1999
            • Hobby School becomes the first school in Mongolia to adopt a dual English-Mongolian program

          • 2009
            • Hobby School’s 10 Year anniversary. The first graduating class finishes school.

          • 2009
            • Hobby School’s debate team wins first place in “Global Debates,” and visits a UN assembly.

          • 2010

              Hobby School introduces the AP curriculum. The first Mongolian student is accepted into Harvard University

          • 2012
            • Hobby School students create a newspaper. Swimming and skiing lessons start.

          • 2014
            • Hobby School’s 20 Year anniversary. The national learning curriculum is adopted.

          • 2016

              Hobby School receives the College Board Certificate of Membership. IPC and IMYC are adopted

          • 2017
            • Hobby School breaks the world record for the largest paper mosaic on Sukhbaatar Square.

          • 2020
            • Hobby School finishes building the new school.

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